Fertility focused practices to support you on your fertility journey

I know firsthand how tough a fertility journey can be. These practices are here to support you on that journey. From short meditations to a 60-minute fertility yoga session: this package offers different ways to nourish the whole of you.

About Claudia

Claudia is a yoga teacher and women's coach, specialized in therapeutic yoga for fertility, pregnancy, and postpartum, and yoga nidra. Combining thousands of hours of studies, many years of experience and her personal journey through infertility, pregnancy loss and birth trauma, she helps you feel nourished and supported. 


Claudia is educated in traditional Hatha yoga, vinyasa, prenatal, postnatal, fertility, yin and restorative yoga, as well as Yoga Nidra, and has also completed hundreds of hours of studies on the pelvic floor, trauma, perinatal mental health, and grief. She’s also a holistic health coach.


Yoga gives her energy and stillness, and her mat is where she always comes home. Her personal practice follows the moon and her cycles, making every session on her mat different from the previous one.


Originally from the Netherlands, Claudia now lives in Oslo with her husband, son and daughter.


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